

That you can customize and add to any page of your site with one click!


Digital version of a scratch card

Similar to lottery tickets, simply scratch the card on your smartphone with your finger or by mousing over on your PC find out if you won a prize.

The scratch cart settings in the page builder scratchcard widget settings. Probability and options

Total max trys Max tries per day

Probability of winning

Coupons with Countdown Timer

Share on your favorite social media to win a discount coupon.

offer expired

Loyalty Card

The digital version of paper punch cards

Just like traditional paper punch cards, merchants can reqard their customers for repeat business.


Displays a road map for your product(s) or business plan.

Several different road map styles to choose from, one style exapmle is hown below.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam mollis, nunc et ultricies vehicula,

Ulla Ultrices

Aliquam suscipit interdum ex sed pretium.

Integer finibus urna vitae velit commodo consequat. Nullam nec consequat nunc, vitae ultricies metus. Maecenas dignissim aliquam urna.

Ulla Ultrices

Aliquam suscipit interdum ex sed pretium.

Integer finibus urna vitae velit commodo consequat. Nullam nec consequat nunc, vitae ultricies metus. Maecenas dignissim aliquam urna.

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